Thursday, April 16, 2009

Psychotic Mothers about Mothers

Ok, so my mother is freakin' PSYCHOTIC!!! seriously. She has called her mother, my grandmother, TWENTY FIVE times. She wants to be the favorite child, but sadly her sister is the favorite child. So my mom decides that she should call her mom until she answers. I think she's on call thirty right now. I don't think this is healthy. And, not only is she calling, but she's leaving messages as long as possible. She thinks if she fills the voice box then no one else can talk to her either. as i said, psychotic! do not try this unless you know the person reallllyyy well :) :D :)


  1. woooow. um. wow, gupp... by the by, u never told what u got for easter. see ya later. and im proud of u for actually using this blog!!! :) yay!

  2. hahaha, I hope all the calling worked because that's a lot of minutes...
