Friday, April 24, 2009

I am super tired. I got about eight hours of sleep total this week. but i am no longer failong biology!!! just have to bring up health......math....and history. blahhhh. ok well i am verryyy tired so i will write more laterrr. and please comment and give me a topic to write about!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Psychotic Mothers about Mothers

Ok, so my mother is freakin' PSYCHOTIC!!! seriously. She has called her mother, my grandmother, TWENTY FIVE times. She wants to be the favorite child, but sadly her sister is the favorite child. So my mom decides that she should call her mom until she answers. I think she's on call thirty right now. I don't think this is healthy. And, not only is she calling, but she's leaving messages as long as possible. She thinks if she fills the voice box then no one else can talk to her either. as i said, psychotic! do not try this unless you know the person reallllyyy well :) :D :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hellooo to whoever is reading this! So, Easter was 2 days ago, and let me tell you, i had THE BEST Easter i have ever had. All because i got a gift from my cousin, the awesome----we'll call her Melody, after the Pussycat Doll, because she is a major singer and fan of them. So anyway, Melody gave me a SPECTACULAR gift on Easter, and i cannot wait to, let's say, experience the gift. haha. I'm not going to tell you what the gift was until my next post, by the way. You shall be kept in suspense! But anyway, hope you had a wicked Easter. And back to the title of my post, does anyone else understand how absolutely addicting chocolate is? I mean, it completely draws you in, the way it melts in your mouth, softly slides on your tongue, and slips down your throat. It's really quite a display if you ever watch me eat chocolate. So, my dare of the day to you: I dare you to savor at least 3 pieces of chocolate today. Close your eyes, relax, and experience the magic. =)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Beginning

Hellooooo! This is my blog :) My friend, i call her flounder, is forcing me to get one. She's also known as DAS, but we've been friends since i was born and she was 10 months old. So i get the privilege to call her Flounder. She doesn't like facebook, so i have to get a blog. So i will basically write about random things, feel free to suggest something for me to write about (it would make things a lot easier for me =]) Ok well, i've got to go now, hope you end up liking my blog!!!
love, Guppy

p.s. the fish nicknames are b/c DAS and i went to the beach together...they stuck. :)